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vendredi 22 novembre 2019

D'anciennes photos de Robert Pattinson lors de la conférence de presse de The Lighthouse à Los Angeles disponible en version noir et blanc

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Merci à Robert Pattinson Online pour ces photos !

Nouvelle photo de Robert Pattinson à la soirée organisée par HFPA & The Hollywood Reporter - Le 14 Novembre 2019

Source Via

Nouvelle interview et nouvelles photos de Robert Pattinson pour The Los Angeles Times

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Update : Ajout d'une nouvelle photo :
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L'interview (traduction à venir la semaine prochaine...)

When other people were out celebrating the New Year, Robert Pattinson was staring at an empty calendar, thinking, “God. Nothing. My career is over. I need to quit. I need to start finding work in other industries.” Music? Maybe. Japanese toilet spokesperson? Why not? His public love for them has made many converts.

Photos de Robert Pattinson au Gala de The Go Campaign à Los Angeles - Le 16 Novembre 2019