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mardi 4 mars 2025

Robert Pattinson interviewe Naomi Ackie pour le magazine Heroine

 Naomi Ackie fait la couverture du prochain numéro du magazine Heroine, pour l'occasion, Robert a joué les interviewers !

Extraits de l'interview (en anglais pour le moment) :

Robert Pattinson: Alright. 
Naomi Ackie: Hello, darling. 

RP: Are you in London? 
NA: Yeah, where are you? 

RP: I’m in New York. 
NA: Oh, New York. [both laugh] How are you? 

RP: I’m good. I’m all discombobulated. 
NA: How come? 

RP: Because I wasn’t working for ages and then I’m like, “Oh, I’m just going to do loads of work all the time,” and now I’m like, “Who am I?!” But coming out of the strike there feels like a really good energy. There’s cool stuff happening and everyone seems really positive. 
NA: I know what you mean, I do feel slightly discombobulated. I’ve done two projects this year and I just don’t feel like I’m the same person. Like, when we did Mickey 17, I had done Blink Twice just before that, and I think I’d worked just before that, I was bashing them out, boom, boom, boom. 

RP: You filmed Blink Twice before Mickey 17? 
NA: Uh-huh. So much has changed. You have a baby! 

RP: [laughs] I know. It’s crazy. I’m like a completely different person. What were you shooting, 2073? 
NA: I did 2073 here during the strike, the project I just got back from was with Boots Riley. 

RP: Oh nice, great! 
NA: It’s got Keke Palmer and Taylour Paige [in it] and it’s… mental. You’ve seen Sorry to Bother You? 

RP: Yeah, I like Boots a lot. He’s a fun hang as well. 
NA: Oh you’ve hung out with him? 

RP: I saw him in New Orleans, I think when he’d just finished Sorry to Bother You. He’s great. NA: He is great. The film is called I Love Boosters and it’s about this group of women who steal clothes from fancy stores and then sell them for cheap on the street. But obviously it has this surrealist, magic-realism element. I feel like my jobs are getting more and more chaotic and weird as I go on. [laughs] 

RP: Mickey 17 is less strange or more strange? 
NA: I feel like Mickey 17 is actually weirdly less strange. [Robert laughs] And let’s face it, Mickey 17 is… [laughs] 

RP: People’s appetite for strangeness does seem to have really expanded. 
NA: It’s fucking cool. I like watching weird shit, especially fantasy, sci-fi, magic-realism. So I’m enjoying it. Going back to what you said, it feels like the strike has loosened people up a bit more. It feels like there’s more space for that.

Lire le reste de l'interview à la Source

J'essaierai de traduire l'interview ce weekend :) !

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